Why the Silence?

 Why the Silence?

    Wow! I can't believe it's been such a long time since my last post. Sorry about that. However there are some good reasons as to why. Admittedly I did say that I would try to make at least one post per week but it might not always be possible. Hopefully now I am getting back into a position where I will be able to start posting more frequently.

    So, as to my reasons. There are three main reasons why I haven't been making posts as often as I should.

  1. Closure of my most frequented Cinema
  2. Extended working vacation in America
  3. New Job

Closure of my Local Cineworld

    My local cinema sent me a letter stating that unfortunately they were having to be closed down on July 16th 2016 due to being informed to vacate their premises by the landlord. At this time a new Cineworld cinema complex was was/is being built on the opposite side of the city (about the same distance). OK I thought, not so bad. The date on the construction site fences say Autumn 2017, but that's still a year away. However the letter I received stated completion and opening of the new complex would be Autumn 2018. So now its 2 years. Definitely not good! As a member I paid a monthly subscription where the subscription price was equivalent of 2 adult tickets. Some months I would go twice or more and some months not at all; it all depended on what was showing, but the price was worth it for the free screenings.
    Living in the UK, we don't really have to travel too far for a cinema, but depending upon where the cinema is located may mean parking fees. My closest Cineworld now is a 26 mile round trip compared to a 5 mile round trip and to me the additional price in fuel was not worth it. So I cancelled my membership, hence no more movie reviews. Now that is not to say I haven't been to see any new movies since. In fact I have seen about 6 new movies since cancelling my membership but I wasn't in a position to post seeing as I wasn't in the country, which conveniently leads me swiftly on to my second reason.

Summer Work Abroad

    The second reason for not posting is that for 9 weeks, I was no longer in the UK, I was living and working in the USA, in New York state, Yup, that's right, I went to Summer Camp.
    Now when most people think of New York, they think of the city, however I was about 1 and a half hours outside of the city not far from the town of Poughkeepsie, so right in the country. There are your first two clues. Firstly, working with children from 8.30am until 5.30pm and only using my mobile phone for job reasons so as to provide a good example to the kids and secondly, I was using a UK Sim card which allowed me to use my data abroad at no extra charge (free).
    However my bandwidth whether due to roaming or just being in the countryside and not having 4G meant speeds were greatly reduced. I could access the Internet and view Facebook, but streaming videos and uploading were out of the question. Also battery life was an issue over there as the mains AC is at a much lower level (120V compared to the UK's 240V AC)  so charging would take longer but also not last as long. Power was a precious commodity and seeing as post can take me up to an hour or two, something had to give. I will tell you more about my experiences at summer camp and where I was in a later post.

 New Job

    So my last reason is that I got a new job, not a bad thing but compared to what I was doing in my last job it was a lot more physically demanding. With changing rotas and more physical demand on my body, I was coming home exhausted and instead of sitting down and writing a post about one subject or another (I have a list of future posts next to me here on my desk), I would veg out on the couch in front of the TV and binge watch the latest new show Netflix or Now TV. Don't get me wrong though, I really like my new job, the pay is better, I'm not sat down all day and I get to interact with the public which is to be honest, the best bit.
    Now, I have acclimatised to the new job and as a result not so tired any more, which means more time for posting new content. Hopefully I can keep to my original promise and try and get a new post out each week, whether on my writing blog or on this my general purpose one.

I do have a little preview for you though of what is to come in future weeks.
On this blog,

  • some technology posts
  • career/work and summer camp posts
  • Interview with a youtuber
And on my writing blog

  • Posts about my favourite authors
  • The story of my favourite game of all time
  • A post about why we seem to like the bad guy/dark characters in stories so much.

Thanks for reading and I hopefully see you soon.
